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About The Black Key

Authors :)

  Karla Ortega, 25-Jun-1996 ,

Torreón, México.





A king from the kingdom Donmor, took over the relic named ''The Black Key''.

In his power , he unleashed an army that could only survive taking souls in butterfly forms.  So he sent them to the kingdom Kanverlla. Their queen managed to protect her kingdom leaving peace. But with a limited time. Because The Black Key vanished along with its king.

Afterwards the key was found by a young lady named Clemerh Grayce, who accidently freed the relic's army. Now Clemerh is forced to help Kanverlla along with a mysterious young man, to defeat the Dark Army that she had summoned. But no one believes in the posibility that such a delicate maiden of a  golden cradle, can achieve  such destiny.


''The Black Key'' is a webcomic created by artist Karla Ortega. It's set both in London and in a fantasy world, where the impossible love, war, secrets and death are constant and painful struggles in the characters's lives.

 Genre: fantasy, romance, action/aventure , tragedy as

well as comedy.


Role: Artist and Writer.



Role: Traductor.

Original webcomic by Karla Ortega

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